Be sure your topic is narrow enough so which you can generate about it in detail while in the quantity of webpages you are allowed. For example, say that you're asked to write down a 1-page essay about someone within your family. Since you only have a constrained selection of internet pages, you may wish to focus on a particular particular characteristic of that person, or one particular particular incident from that person's life, rather than trying to jot down about that person's entire life. Having a narrow focus will help you create a a little more interesting paper.
Revised: My sister is my very best friend.
Similarly, you may be asked to write down a 5-page paper about volcanoes. Again, since you only have a confined amount of web pages, you may choose to focus on just one particular volcano or a single particular eruption, rather than trying to talk about volcanoes in general.
Too general: Volcanoes belonging to the world.
Revised: The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in June 1991.
A single method for narrowing down your topic is called brainstorming. Brainstorming can be a useful way to let ideas you didn't know you had come to the surface.
Sit down by having a pencil and paper, or at your computer, and publish whatever comes into your head about your topic, no matter how confused or disorganized.
Keep composing for a short but targeted amount of time, say 3-5 minutes. Don't stop to change what you've written or to correct spelling or grammar errors.
After one or two minutes, look at through what you have written. You will probably throw out most of it, but many of what you've written may give you an idea it's possible to create.
Do some significantly more brainstorming and see what else you will come up with. |